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Labiaplasty in Kingston

Vaginal rejuvenation is a broad term for many different treatment options for the vulva and vagina. Women are utilizing these treatments with increasing frequency as they are finally feeling empowered to embrace and enhance their sexuality.

Options for "vaginal rejuvenation" include energy devices like lasers, radiofrequency and ultrasound . Most vaginal rejuvenation procedures utilize some form of energy to achieve vaginal tightening, decreasing incontinence or urinary leakage and eliminating vaginal dryness. Our treatment options at Bespoke Skin MD include Intimalase Fotona laser, and Emsella pelvic floor strengthening and Plexr Plasma, as well as the OShot and labial dermal filler. The main difference between a labiaplasty and other treatments in the "vaginal rejuvenation" category is that a labiaplasty is a surgical procedure. The labiaplasty procedure aims to decrease the size of the labia minora (inner tissues of the female genitalia) so that it is flush with the labia majora (outer part of the female genitalia). This procedure involves utilizing several different surgical techniques depending on the patient's specific situation.

Reasons for a labiaplasty

There are many reasons why women experience changes in their labia including childbirth, aging, trauma and genetics. Many women may find they have discomfort with exercise, sexual activity or other physical activity. Additionally, some women may feel self-conscious wearing yoga pants, or swimsuits or when being intimate.

Labiaplasty procedures Trim procedure In this procedure, the excess part of labia minora is removed and sutured so that it is completely within the labia majora. This is a relatively quick procedure but leaves a scar along the outer edge of the labia minora.

Wedge procedure In this procedure, a wedge is removed from the thickest part of the labia minora. This procedure gives the labia natural look after the surgery preserving the wrinkled edges and pigment. Additionally it avoids placing a scar along the visible edge of the labia.

There are several other techniques for reducing the labia minora, and all these techniques have certain advantages and disadvantages. If you are considering a labiaplasty, the key to ensure appropriate outcomes is to make sure you are going to a plastic surgeon.

Anesthesia for a labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is completed under local freezing only, general anesthesia is not necessary. Sedation or relaxing medications can be given if you feel very nervous about the procedure.

Postsurgical care

Immediately after the procedure you should go home and lay down. You should apply ice packs on and off for the first 24hours. Staying flat and using ice will decrease the swelling and bruising and help with pain control.

The sutures used in labiaplasty will dissolve away on their own over 10days - 2 weeks. It is important to avoid swimming pools, hot tubs, and lakes/rivers until your sutures have completely dissolved, You may shower or take very short baths after 24hours. Gently pat the sutures try - avoid rubbing or vigorously towelling the area. Use a bidet or a "pericare" bottle to cleanse the area after using the washroom. Biking, spin class, horseback riding, running and other physical activities will need to be avoided for approximately 6 weeks. Premature return to the activities could potentially cause the incisions to open up. Be very careful inserting tampons. Ideally do not schedule your procedure the week prior to your period, and if necessary wear period panties such as Knix instead of using tampons.

Choosing to have a labiaplasty in Kingston

Labiaplasty has functional and cosmetic benefits, as well as improving self-confidence. Dr Kim and the entire team of Bespoke Skin MD understand the importance of sexual confidence in healthy relationships and are here to help you achieve your goals in a welcoming and non-judgmental environment

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