Phototherapy/Light Therapy
At Bespoke Skin MD we offer light therapy using medical-grade equipment with the power necessary to make changes to the skin.
At Bespoke Skin MD we offer light therapy using medical-grade equipment with the power necessary to make changes to the skin. Science has shown that skin responds to different wavelengths of light. Blue light has been shown to kill the bacteria leading to acne, Red light has been shown to improve skin tone and texture. Both the wavelength of light (red, blue) and the power of the light(J/cm2 total flux) matter to results.
Blue Light Acne Therapy
With enough power, blue light kills the acne-causing bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes. Light therapy works for mild to moderate acne. This involves treatments once per week for 8-10 treatments. Studies have shown that phototherapy clears up 70% of acne within 8-10 treatment sessions. Because acne is a chronic condition further ongoing treatment will be needed. Blue Light therapy can be added to our Silk Peel Pore Clarity treatments, Isolasz Acne therapy or enhanced by the addition of the prescription drug Levulon.
Allumera Skin Rejuvenation Therapy
Allumera is a unique, first-in-class therapy exclusive to Bespoke Skin MD that has been scientifically proven to minimize the appearance of pores, reduce the appearance of fine lines and crows feet, and improve skin firmness and overall skin texture. Allumera is a topical photodynamic cosmeceutical that is applied to the face and left in place for 1 hour, then activated with our medical grade red light for 10 minutes. Three treatments separated by 4-week intervals have been shown to decrease pore size, improve skin elasticity, and texture and show clinically superior results to red light therapy alone.
Photo Dynamic Therapy
Many patients are able to submit PDT as a claim for most insurance companies. PDT is a highly successful FDA and Health Canada-approved treatment for the destruction of precancerous lesions (Actinic Keratosis). There are 2 possible prescription topical medications that can be used: Levulan (5-aminolevulinic acid) Din 02243933 Metvix Din 02323273 PDT is an optimal treatment for Actinic Keratosis because it is a non-invasive method to treat an entire anatomic area at once (field treatment) instead of targeting individual AKs with liquid nitrogen, efudex or aldara. PDT has a much shorter treatment duration and recovery period compared to topical therapies for AKs. It may also result in an improved cosmetic appearance of the skin and fewer sunspots. Generally, PDT is well-tolerated and involves minimal downtime from work. On average you can usually expect a period of 1 week or less before skin appears normal/ near normal.
The first part of the process is to start with a consultation where we discuss what you’re looking to achieve and assess your skin. Once a direction is agreed upon it’s time for your first session.
Each of the above treatments has a different process but during your consultation, we’ll walk you through it step by step and answer any questions you might have.
Who is this for?

The above treatments help with acne, to minimize the appearance of pores, reduce the appearance of fine lines and crows feet, improve skin firmness and overall skin texture as well as Actinic Keratosis.
Preparation & Aftercare
To prepare for your appointment, wash the area being treated with soap and water, and do not apply makeup, lotion, or sunscreens prior to your treatment. Avoid sunlight where possible with a hat.
After your treatment skin will be more tender and susceptible to sunburn so avoid the sun. Also make sure to use gentle cleansers and moisturizers.